Welcome to one of the most prestigious organizations in Bangladesh. BAFISA- Bangladesh Foodstuff Importers and Suppliers Association. With a striking number of members, BAFISA is one of the largest associations in the business industry attracting members from SMEs and large businesses.
Under one umbrella members of this organization thrive shoulder to shoulder, encouraging newcomers and giving the culture of business a different angle. We believe in working together, we help firms of all sizes to achieve more. It is our relationships with others that lead us to our destination beyond those we could ever achieve alone. Together we can connect our business locally, nationally and internationally.
We are open to everyone and every country and every idea that will boost the growth of the economy and take Bangladesh to an international level. Finally, it is an honour to be the president of this wonderful organization where like-minded individuals come forward together and create success.
Mohammad Borhan E Sultan
President BAFISA
Bangladesh foodstuff importers and suppliers association
Mobile: +8801761509163
Mobile: +8801914128789 (WhatsApp)